In the context of the HCII2022 Student Design Competition, nine (9) video submissions have been accepted for presentation, as a series of rolling video presentations, during the conference.
All accepted video clip submissions are being evaluated by a distinguished seven-member international committee acting as the jury to select the three award winners.
The awards will be announced and conferred during the Opening Plenary Session of the Conference on Sunday 26 June, 17:00 - 19:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time - Gothenburg, Sweden).
All accepted video submissions, together with a short abstract, will be accessible to all registered conference participants through the Whova platform, under the Student Design Competition section of the Poster area, for the entire six-day period of the conference, from Sunday 26 June to 1 July.
Conference participants will be able to pose their questions to presenters using all the communication channels available through the platform (chat, email etc).