HCII2022 Student Design Competition: Video Presentations

In the context of the HCII2022 Student Design Competition, nine (9) video submissions have been accepted for presentation, as a series of rolling video presentations, during the conference.

All accepted video clip submissions are being evaluated by a distinguished seven-member international committee acting as the jury to select the three award winners.

The awards will be announced and conferred during the Opening Plenary Session of the Conference on Sunday 26 June, 17:00 - 19:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time - Gothenburg, Sweden).

All accepted video submissions, together with a short abstract, will be accessible to all registered conference participants through the Whova platform, under the Student Design Competition section of the Poster area, for the entire six-day period of the conference, from Sunday 26 June to 1 July.
Conference participants will be able to pose their questions to presenters using all the communication channels available through the platform (chat, email etc).

PIA--An Intelligent, Conversational, All-in-one Voice Assistant For Airports
Weijie Wang, Devika Pillai, Matt Muenzer, and Youngryun Cho, United States
ESLESS: Escape Class
Shavira Andysa, Lisa Kusumo, Angela Kamal, Muhammad Wildan, Indonesia
Physio AR: Design of AI and AR Powered Physiotherapy App to Motivate and Guide Independent Physiotherapy Exercises
Edward Hartanto Enrico Abadi, Candraswari Jauhar Malika, Tri Patrisya, Indonesia
EVA, an open-source robot: towards a more natural and proactive interaction with assistive agents
Laura Villa, Spain
reaDream: an ECoG and ML based dream recording device
Taisija Demcenko, Lithuania
Improving the Usability of Dietary Recall using Voice Assistants
Jing Yuan, Tiffany Driesse, Youxiang Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, John Batsis, United States
Investigating Pilots' Operational Behaviours While Interacting with Different Types of Inceptors
Wojciech Tomasz Korek, United Kingdom
Augmented Reality - based guidance in wooden truss assembly
Alice Pettersson, Sebastian Lindberg, Madeleine Falkner, Nima Hadi, Kamyab Mahdavi, Nicole Tobisková, Sweden
Use of a Home-Based Social Robot to Help Prevent Hypothermia and Dehydration in Older Adults
Hani Sindi, Rachel McCrindle, United Kingdom