T22: Design with Human Data - Create, Prototype and Evaluate with people's data, the human-centered way

Friday, 1 July 2022, 12:00 – 16:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time - Gothenburg, Sweden)
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Thomas Otto (short bio)

Icon Group, Germany



Data is already an integral part of people’s life and the base for many products and services. But still, many people working in the process of to create these services are very disconnected from the topic data and its impact on the world. The tutorial format aims to help people in the design process (from designers, developers, and product managers) of digital services based on human data to make informed decisions, create space for discussion and visualize the impact of their work. The tutorial builds on my master thesis »Human Data Sources - Personal Data as Material in the Design Process« and represents a next step in implementation of data ethics practices in the real world where business decisions are made.


Content and benefits:

The tutorial will focus on the complete process from identifying and framing problems, to create ideas and reflect on these in 4 phases: 

1. Set the stage - Explore the kit, get together the people you need, and explore the power dynamics in your company.

2. Frame the problem space - Use the goals and guidelines part, to set the goal and rules for the project/product/service/feature.

3. Create ideas - Use the constraints from the frame part to think about people and how to help them. Check these with reality, the data sources part.

4. Reflect on ideas - Estimate the data you require and the impact you are creating, and set responsibilities to address challenges.

Therefore, short input sessions for each phase and exercises in sessions will go hand in hand. You can find the material and exercises as open source online: https://miro.com/miroverse/design-with-human-data-kit/


Target Audience:

Designers, Product Managers, Developers - From in-house teams to consultants. Everyone who is involved in creating new products and services based on human data.


Additional Platform or tool to be used:

Miro (Invitation link will be provided)



Bio Sketch of Presenter:

Over 9 years Thomas is working in the intersection of Interaction Design, User Experience, Design Research and Business Design. Working with creative, tech and business teams regarding data and design research from enterprise environments at IBM to start-ups and international innovation firms. Currently, he is supporting icon group a global innovation company as Senior Director of Strategic Design.